Archive for the ‘Sea Glass Look and Feel’ Category

Sea Glass now on Maven Central repository

We released version a few days ago. This has very few changes from the 0.1.6 release, the main one being that we are signing the jars and putting them on the Maven Central repository at, in particular: Future releases will be released to Central, and snapshots will be released to seaglasslookandfeel/ […]

Sea Glass Look and Feel 0.1.3 is released

We’re still nowhere close to complete, thus the low version numbers, but this is the first version that looks decent on a non-Mac. The transparency doesn’t seem to work on Linux (at least not on my Ubuntu 9.10 system), but the window corners are rounded on Windows. We still don’t have our own tabbed panes, […]

Sea Glass look and feel Google group created

We now have a Google Group called for discussing the look and feel. We’ll still make announcements on our blogs, but I think discussion will be easier in a group/mailing list format.

Sea Glass Look and Feel

I’m currently working on getting JTextField to use the client property of “JTextField.variant” equals to “search” to print a rounded search field with an hourglass in it. My outer glow is messed up, but worse, my internal drop shadow is messed up. I’m using the Nimbus Effects classes, which I note that Nimbus itself doesn’t […]

Sea Glass (alpha) is released

Ken and I have released version 0.1 of the Sea Glass Look and Feel for Java. This is very preliminary. See the project site for more information. In particular, we don’t have good focus indications, some alignment may not be correct, we’re still using Nimbus controls for tabbed panes and a few other minor things, […]

Another Sea Glass example (tables)

I’ve been working with Laffy, SwingSet3, and some of my own code to check how we’re doing with the Sea Glass L&F. Here’s an example of Laffy’s tables: Should the striping continue across the checkboxes? Nimbus doesn’t do that, but it is probably possible to do. Comments?

Sea Glass Laffy example (Linux)

Here’s a screen shot of Laffy running the Sea Glass L&F against my Ubuntu Linux desktop. We may move to a more monochrome titlebar button scheme in the future, but right now we’re using a variation of Nimbus’s buttons. Click the image to see it larger.

More back story on Sea Glass

I had originally been thinking of a very iApp-like look and feel. I would have called it Aqvavit, for the play on Aqua, the Mac look and feel, and also because Aqvavit is fairly strong stuff. Ken came up with the idea of using sea glass, with its matte finish and generally soft colors (though […]

Sea Glass Look and Feel

I’ve teamed up with Ken Orr on a new look and feel for Java we’re calling “Sea Glass”. The look was inspired by the following image: I’ve been working on the programming, while Ken has been doing the hard part of constructing the artwork. We’ve only just begun the project, so there is much yet […]