Trying to find an internet tablet

So I currently have a 17″ MacBook Pro, a Kindle 2, and an iPhone 3G. (I also have a Linux server and a Windows entertainment system, but that’s not relevant to the discussion.)

When I work, I work on the MacBook, because it’s an excellent development environment. It’s not especially portable, though, because it’s big and heavy.

So the last time I traveled, I took my Kindle and my iPhone. It was okay. I could keep up with email and news via the iPhone and read to pass time with the Kindle. But I’d kind of like a larger portable internet device than the iPhone.

The iPad barely fits in my purse and sticks up a bit, making the top flap kind of “humpy”. It does fit, though, and is an amazingly functional device.

I’m also looking into Android tablets, but I’ve got some issues with clunky apps on Android.

I’m probably not making a decision until late this year, but still… Decisions, decisions…

More maven plugins (and site skins)

I’ve created a couple of site skins, one that looks like this blog for my use, and one that’s much simpler and blue for use with Sea Glass documentation.

I’ve also created a successor to my HTML Filter Site plugin called docbkx-wrapper-plugin that wraps the Docbkx plugin so that you only need the one plugin.

Also, I’ve created a Git Site Wagon plugin that allows you to easily deploy maven site documentation to the pages system of GitHub, so that it can be kept with the project as a top-level branch.

There are things that could be better done in the docbkx wrapper, but since site documentation will be changing quite a bit in Maven 3, I’m not inclined to put more effort into it until that is released.

Health Care Reform Passes

Yay! And the senate has passed the reconciliation bill with very few changes. The house is expected to approve it later this evening.

I’ve been taking a few days off celebrating the US entering the realm of civilized nations, at least a bit.

Difference between parties in the US

A link to Tristero’s (Richard Einhorn) recent post on Digby’s blog.

It’s a good description of the main policy difference between the current Republican and Democratic parties.

My first Maven plugins

I suppose you never forget your first Maven plugin. I’ve created two, and they’re both sync’d to Maven Central.

The first takes a description of Java Swing controls with configurations and creates image files of them for use in documentation.

The second allows the output of the docbkx plugin, which is the most full-featured of the several DocBook plugins to be run through a filter to apply Doxia-like headers, navigation menus, and footers. It does this without stripping all the good DocBook formatting that the Maven site plugin’s docbook-light plugin does.

I’m pretty pleased.

They’re a bit rough around the edges, but quite usable. See my projects page for more details. And see the Sea Glass client properties page for an example of the use of both.

I’d rather fiddle with tools than code

Apparently I like fiddling with tools if they’re the right tools. I’m trying to get good syntax highlighting for Java and XML in DocBook running through Maven.

If I can get Doxia to do it, that’s great. Otherwise I’ll need to move to the DocBkx plugin, which is a lot more capable, but doesn’t integrate as well with the Maven site generated documentation.

Yes, I’ve done some coding and I’ve fixed some bugs, but this is a nice diversion.

Ron Burk has a new ignite video up

My old college friend Ron Burk had an Ignite video go viral last year. This one probably won’t, but it’s still a good presentation. It’s called “Three Strange Definitions of Computer Programming”. He’s a good presenter, so you might find it interesting even if you’re not into programming.

His original Ignite presentation is “The Psychology of Incompetence”. It’s quite funny and everyone should watch it, especially programmers because it pokes fun at our industry.

I got some amusing spam

It read:

If anyone here truly feels fiat currency is worthless then feel free to give me all your money.

I’m fine with that. If anyone here truly feels that fiat currency is worthless, then feel free to give me all your money.

I want to code, not fiddle with tools

I’ve spent a good deal of the morning dealing with issues between Eclipse (my IDE), Subversive (the subversion integration for Eclipse), and M2Eclipse (the Maven integration for Eclipse). (Subversion is a version control system.)


Worst song in the world

I have a friend who believes that “Crystal Blue Persuasion” is the worst song in the world. I don’t agree. It’s just boring, sort of like anything by Air Supply or Bread. (If I never hear “Diary” again it’ll be too soon.)

Denise thinks that maybe “Escape” (the PiƱa Colada Song) is the worst song ever.

I think maybe it’s “Having My Baby”.

Ideas? Suggestions? Criticism?